Protein After Weight Loss Surgery

Protein After Weight Loss Surgery

Fad diets are almost constantly topic of conversation. This is because, as a nation, we are obsessed with losing weight, but so few of us actually manage to do it. While some diets work in a very short term, most people end up putting weight back on, and often more than they started with. As

The Benefits of Balloon Surgery for Weight Loss

The Benefits of Balloon Surgery for Weight Loss

Weight loss surgery is becoming less and less invasive. However, the majority of procedures continue to be either permanent or semi-permanent, which is something not everybody is happy with. As a result, there is now a tremendous interest in the gastric balloon, which is not only minimally invasive, but non-permanent as well. While it may

Tips for managing joint pain

Tips for managing joint pain

Knees bothering you more these days? While these instances of joint pain are an unavoidable consequence of getting older, don’t let it stop you from making the most of every day. Below, we will discuss several tips for managing joint pain effectively. 1) Seek out supplements The lack of certain nutrients in the diet of