Why Best Version Media Staff Speak So Highly of The Workplace


The website Glassdoor is a place where employees can leave feedback and an honest review about the company which they work for or which they have worked for. You an only imagine then how scared many companies are that the staff have a portal through which they can do this, as for years so many companies have neglected their employee’s happiness. Best Version Media is not one of these companies and in fact the Best Version Media reviews are very good indeed. This is an international publishing company which print and design magazines for niche industries and small communities and they have some of the happiest employees of any company. Working for Best Version Media is something which many people now want to do because of the high praise which they receive and here is how they have don it.

Valued Staff

Keeping your staff happy is really not something which is complicated and the solutions are in fact very simple. The problem is however that so many businesses focus on hard work beyond everything else, which actually damages the output which the staff produce. At Best Version Media the staff feel very highly valued and this is because they are listened to in terms of ideas, they are treated well and given a great environment to work in and they are included in what is going on with the company and included in the decisions which will affect them.

Celebrate Success

So many businesses fail to celebrate success when it happens and instead of this they simply set the bar higher for what the staff must achieve. There is nothing wrong with setting that bar higher but not at the expense of celebration. Staff need to be incentivized in this regard and they need to know that their hard work will be rewarded. There are all kinds of things that Best Version Media do to celebrate their successes from parties and events to small prizes.


Best Version Media have created a culture where the team feels like a family and they have done this thanks to smart recruitment which puts teams together based on how they will work together, as well as placing heavy emphasis on the team and the way that it works together. Team building days and a buddy system has helped the team to become friends and form bonds which means that they produce a far higher output of quality. Our employees spend the large majority of their life in the workplace and that means that we must give them an environment where they can be happy. In creating a positive team attitude in this way we can ensure that they have a great time at work, that they have healthy competition with one another and that they have a support network which they can call on both professionally and personally.

The keys to a happy workforce are not difficult, you just have to have a willingness to do it.

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