3 Ways to Make Your Super Bowl Party Home Viewing More Fun   

Super Bowl is one of the biggest, if not the biggest sporting event in the US and it is coming around the corner. In no time, the top 2 teams will be competing in the game of their life. It is a time when most Americans suspend what they are doing and look at what is going on. You can’t make Americans just stop life to watch TV unless it is that important. This is how Super Bowl is viewed in the US. Sadly, not everyone can be there to watch the actual game in a football stadium. It does not matter though. You can watch the game at home. In fact, hosting a super bowl party could be more fun if you ask your friends and family to come over.



Normally, food and drinks would be served while the game is on. This is the usual way of celebrating the game. There are a lot of other ways though to make it even more exciting. Here are some ways to spruce up your normal viewing. After all, this only happens once a year.

  1. Bet on the final scores. You can make serious bets through online betting systems available, but you don’t have to. If there are enough people at home to play this game with, you can ask everyone to join the betting and have fun. You don’t just bet on the winning teams, but you can also bet on their final scores to make it even more exciting. It is more difficult to predict, so it can be anybody’s ball game. The odds are also lower. It is even possible that no one wins.
  2. Wear costumes for cheering. Those who are at the actual stadium watching the game might be crazy with their costumes and props. Some put on makeup. Others use props and banners to show love for their favourite team. There are others who bring whistles, trumpets and other instruments to make their cheers heard. Even if you are watching the game at home, you can still have fun just like those who are at the venue. Who says you can’t put on makeup? If it makes you enjoy the game even more, go ahead and do it.
  3. Play super bowl bingo. You can create a Super Bowl Bingo Card where you bet on events and possible appearances while the game is on instead of the usual betting game. The person whose card has been marked depending on the required pattern wins the game. In doing this, you don’t just watch the game itself, but you become more observant of everything, even the halftime performance.

Cheers to the upcoming Super Bowl, a true American pride!

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